bisnis syariah

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1. What is your concept of marriage?menyempurnakan agama, harus ma orang yang aku cintai> 2. Have you been married before?belum> 3. Are you married now?bujangan dong> 4. What are your expectations of marriage?segala hal dan pengalaman yang gak di dapat waktu bujangan bersama pasangan abadi> 5. What are your goals in life? (long and> short term)jangka pendek lulus, kerja, menikahjangka panjang memiliki bisnis sendiri, membangun klan keluarga,naik haji,masuk sorga> 6. Identify three things that you want to> accomplish in the near future.lulus,kerja,nikah> 7. Identify three things that you want to> accomplish, long term.memiliki bisnis sendiri, membangun klan keluarga,naik haji,masuk sorga> 8. Why have you chosen me as a potential> spouse?karena kamu muslimah, membawa kebaikan buatku ma sekitarku> 9. What is the role of religion in your life> now?hidup itu ibadah> 10. Are you a spiritual person?ya> 11. What is your understanding of an Islamic> marriage?Komitmen antara 2 lawan jenis di hadapan Allah SWT untuk mencapai hal yang lebih baik> 12. What are you expecting of your spouse,> religiously?rajin beribadah> 13. What is your relationship between yourself> and the Muslims community in your area?baik-aja> 14. Are you volunteering in any Islamic> activities?dulu klo ada kepanitiaan di kuliah ma kampung, klo sekarang gak ada> 15. What can you offer your zawj (spouse),> spiritually?keluarga sakinah> 16. What is the role of the husband?kapala keluarga, bertanggung jawab atas religiusitas keluarga, mencari nafkah> 17. What is the role of the wife?menjaga kehormatan diri dan keluarga> 18. Do you want to practice polygamy?gak> 19. What is your relationship with your family?baik> 20. What do you expect your relationship with> the family of your spouse to be?seperti keluargaku sendiri> 21. What do you expect your spouses relationship> with your family to be?seperti keluarganya sendiri> 22. Is there anyone in your family living with> you now?ya> 23. Are you planning to have anyone in your> family live with you in the future?ya> 24. If, for any reason, my relationship with> your family turns sour, what should be done?merukunkan> 25. Who are your friends? (Identify at least> three.)agus,miko,akbar> 26. How did you get to know them?temen sekolah> 27. Why are they your friends?cocok aja> 28. What do you like most about them?suka nolong> 29. What will your relationship with them after> marriage be?mereka jadi no 2 setelah istriku> 30. Do you have friends of the opposite sex?punya> 31. What is the level of your relationship with> them now?gak akrab> 32. What will be the level of your relationship> with them after marriage?tetep gak akrab> 33. What type of relationship do you want your> spouse to have with your friends?asal knal aja> 34. What are the things that you do in your free> time?baca, tidur, ntn tv> 35. Do you love to have guests in your home for> entertainment?gak> 36. What are you expecting from your spouse when> your friends come to the house?ngobrol bareng kalo nyambung> 37. What is your opinion of speaking other> languages in home that I do not understand? (with> friends or family) gak nyaman aja> 38. Do you travel?gak> 39. How do you spend your vacations?di rumah atau jalan2 sama aja> 40. How do you think your spouse should spend> vacations?menyalurkan hobi> 41. Do you read?ya> 42. What do you read?apapun> 43. After marriage, do you think that you are one> to express romantic feelings verbally?ya dong> 44. After marriage, do you think that you want to> express affection in public?kadang> 45. How do you express your admiration for> someone that you know now?verbal> 46. How do you express your feelings to someone> who has done a favor for you? verbal> 47. Do you like to write your feelings?gak> 48. If you wrong someone, how do you apologize?verbal, tinggal ngomong minta maaf dan berjanji gak mengulangi> 49. If someone has wronged you, how do you want> (s) he to apologize to you?minta maaf secara verbal dan membuktikan klo gak mengulangi di kemudian hari> 50. How much time passes before you can forgive> someone?saat dia minta maaf dan menebus kesalahannya, saat itu juga> 51. How do you make important and less important> decisions in your life?pake hati dan akal> 52. Do you use foul language at home? In public?> With family?gak> 53. Do your friends use foul language?kadang> 54. Does your family use foul language?gak> 55. How do you express anger?ngomong> 56. How do you expect your spouse to express> anger?ngomong> 57. What do you do when you are angry?tidur, melakukan hobi, mengalihkan kemarahan> 58. When do you think it is appropriate to> initiate mediation in marriage?3 kali berembug tetep berantem> 59. When there is a dispute in your marriage,> religious or otherwise, how should the conflict get> resolved?ambil wudhu sholat bareng> 60. Define mental, verbal, emotional and> physical abuse.> 61. What would you do if you felt that you> had been abused?cuekin aja ampe emosinya reda> 62. Who would you call for assistance if you> were being abused?ibunya> 63. Do you suffer from any chronic disease or> condition?gak> 64. Are you willing to take a physical exam> by a physician before marriage?ya> 65. What is your understanding of proper> health and nutrition?banyak dong> 66. How do you support your own health and> nutrition?olah raga , makan bergisi> 67. What is you definition of wealth?kecukupan> 68. How do you spend money?sesuai kebutuhan> 69. How do you save money?berupa barang> 70. How do you think that your use of money> will change after marriage?efisien, punya tabungan> 71. Do you have any debts now? If so, how are> you making progress to eliminate them?gak dong> 72. Do you use credit cards?gak> 73. Do you support the idea of taking loans> to buy a new home?ya> 74. What are you expecting from your spouse> financially?yang penting gak ada utang> 75. What is your financial responsibility in> the marriage?memenuhi segala kebutuhan keluarga> 76. Do you support the idea of a working> wife?ya> 77. If so, how do you think a dual-income> family should manage funds? maka yg tetep bertanggung jawab adalah sang suami untuk memberi nafkah, duit dari istri(wanita) terserah dipergunakan sebagai apa(tpi harap digunakan yg bermanfaat) dan sang suami tidak boleh terlalu mencampuri duit dari hasil kerja istri> 78. Do you currently use a budget to manage> your finances?ya> 79. Who are the people to whom you are> financially responsible?gak ada> 80. Do you support the idea of utilizing baby> sitters and/or maids?ya> 81. Do you want to have children? If not, how> come?ya> 82. To the best of your understanding, are> you able to have children?ya> 83. Do you want to have children in the first> two years of marriage? If not, when?ya> 84. Do you believe in abortion?gak> 85. Do you have children now?gak> 86. What is your relationship with your> children now?gak ada> 87. What is your relationship with their> other parent?gak ada> 88. What relationship do you expect your> spouse to have with your children and their parent?gak ada> 89. What is the best method (s) of raising> children?islami> 90. What is the best method (s) of> disciplining children?persuasif> 91. How were you raised?islami> 92. How were you disciplined?persuasif> 93. Do you believe in spanking children?> Under what circumstances?tidak> 94. Do you believe in public school for your> children?> 95. Do you believe in Islamic school for your> children?ya> 96. Do you believe in home schooling for your> children?ya> 97. What type of relationship should your> children have with non-Muslim classmates/friends?waspada> 98. Would you send your children to visit> their extended family if they lived in another state> or country?ya> 99. What type of relationship do you want> your children to have with all their grandparents?akrab dong> 100. If there are members of my family that> are not Muslim, that are of a different race or> culture, what type of relationship do you want to> have with them? biasa